We are experienced bankers and finance professionals who have prepared CMA data for customers who approach bank for getting working capital limit & Term Loan. The CMA data preparation is an important decision making report for Bankers to decide the quantum of loan and structure the same (prepared even for renewal of the existing cash credit limit). We, at Ideaguru, based at Coimbatore are backed by a strong team of experts to prepare the report.We factor the probable queries of banks like validation of estimated sales, other ratios, etc.We analyze 3 years of audited balance sheet & provisional balance sheet of last year, sales (up to now) in current year. Based on orders on hand, LC copies and sales up to now, we calculate the maximum production capacity and arrive at the estimated sales to seek the working capital limit. We analyze the capacity per shift based on machine capacity and production efficiency. Based on the above data 60% to 70% production is estimated.
CMA data & Project report estimates are prepared for 7 to 8 years for term loan to cover the loan repayment period. CMA data preparation and submission to the bank is an important action for seeking loan.
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